2016 Horse Racing Season opens with a new voice in Fair Meadow

A new booming voice will be heard by fans of horse racing this summer. This new voice is John lies`, who’ll call the race at Fair Meadow on Thursday. Lies had been hired earlier as a dual position at Will Rogers and Fair Meadows. He serves as announcer and a secretary too on those two tracks. After 11 years of serving the Lone Star Park, Lies left to accept his new position. His career as an announcer began in Lone Star back in 2005.

Lies said that the whole transition of leaving Lone Star pack was his biggest change. To say goodbye to a park that had become part of his life. He concluded by saying that it had been his starting point and that it was a good job and that is how life is. Lies call to be an announcer came by when he saw Trevor Denman. When he saw how he announces, he knew what he wanted to become like him. Lies said that when he met Trevor at the age of ten, his dream was set off and decide that he’ll be an announcer.

Tulsa gave Lies a chance of becoming a secretary. He`s responsible for every activity that happens in Fair Meadow. Lies said that, when people see the horse’s numbers, jockeys, names that entire staff have to be done by several people and that he’s the director of those activities. Lies is also responsible for organizing specific races ,writing tracks conditions, and preparing races which agents want to train their horses.

Fair Meadow plans to start live races from June 22 to July 13.12 races will take place each night. Five Thoroughbreds, two paint , five Quarter Horse and lastly Appaloosa. The races will take a maximum of 25 minutes. Admission to the public will be free. Lies said that this being his first game, he is eager to see what happens in the track and the kind of people that will come to see him announce. Lies also said that the length of the track in Fair meadow sets the difference between it and other Tracks in the region.

His announcing style is just like that of Trevor, only that it doesn’t have the South African accent. He’ll try to announce like Trevor in the following form:”is the race moving quickly? How’s the favorite horse running? Lies say that his announcing is conversational, something he likes about it.

This article is published in: Horse Racing Betting, News