Soccer Fans Want More Women In Charge At FIFA.

Members of the FIFA’s voting congress will be electing the organization’s next president on Friday, in Zurich. However, out of all the voters, women will only make up less than 1% and this is what soccer fans around the world want a change in.

In a recent survey conducted on soccer fans from all over the world, 64% of respondents want the number of women in key positions increased.

The Anti-corruption organization transparency international, together with the fan group Forza Football conducted a poll in 28 countries, where they surveyed around 25,000 soccer fans.

Most of the respondents in the 28 countries except Russia, believed that FIFA should have more women.

Some of the countries that registered the highest percentage of respondents in favor of the idea include Costa Rica with 83%, Colombia with78%, and Spain with 76%.

Coincidentally, Costa Rica and Spain made their first appearance at the Women’s World cup in 2015 while it was the second consecutive appearance of Colombia into the tournament.

On the other hand, 69% of British and 72% Americans support the idea of adding more women to FIFA’s voting congress that consists of delegates from FIFA’s209 member associations

An increase in the number of women in FIFA’s Executive committee will be voted on by the members on Friday as it is on the broad package of reforms.

Moya Dodd, who is an Australian and one of the few women on the committee came up with a provision that would require women to hold 6 of the 36 executive committee seats.

Dodd said, “This is an unexploited marketfor the world’s most popular game, where half of the world’s population have not really been given a full opportunity to participate. Hence adding more women will be a great step forward and will alsoenhance culture change. “

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